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General - SaaS project must have the following characteristics:

  • Multiple projects per account
  • Multiple members per project
  • API key management with a different permissions
  • Modern UI
  • SDK
  • API

Storage Abstraction

When we think of web3 apps, we usually talk about decentralized storages - this is the only best way that the end user can have ownership of items inside the blockchain. Most developers find it hard to understand what is the difference between storages, but still need to use them in their projects. In our Storage Module, we are solving that particular problem through:

  • Unified API for storage (IPFS, S3, etc)
  • CDN support for some storages
  • Ability to bring own storage
  • Hide complexity of decentralized storage (pinning, uploading, etc)

NFT contains metadata as well as some media (images, video, 3d models, etc). And a really good question comes to mind: where to store all that data? Most developers say - “let’s store it on our servers” as that is usual stuff in web2. But web3 works in a different way - NFT lives inside a decentralized blockchain network and is not related to developers and developer services anymore, and that's a bad idea to make NFT depend on some external servers that can be disabled any time. Another important aspect here - data mutability. When you purchase NFT you want to make sure that NFT parameters will be the same and not changed by developers.

And here how we get to decentralized storage solutions - when you register your file by file hash (or upload and receive transaction id) and are not able to change that data anymore. However, this storage works a little bit differently than classic storages from web3.

At Attarius, we support the IPFS network - special decentralized storage that works in a p2p mode and allows you to register file by file hash and serve it after. Network itself mostly provides routing to files and nodes in the network can cache files too.

As a developer you should care about your files availability. That's not a simple task. In Attarius we solve all these problems for you and you can focus on your product instead of tools.

Somebody asked - why not store data on the blockchain itself? But the answer is simple - it is possible and special blockchains for data storage exist, but common blockchains (Ethereum, NEAR, etc) are not suitable to store data due to cost. Based on the latest research - storing one kilobyte of data costs about 640k of gas. Based on current base fee (18gwei) and ETH price near $1600, storing one kilobyte of data costs around $18.5. One image size starting from 100kb ($1850), expensive isn’t it?

That is why there are a lot of different special storages available and Attarius speciality is to have a wide variety of different storages all combined into a unified API based on requests and popularity.

Authorization Challenges

When developers have a user and the user already has a crypto wallet (maybe on different networks), the question is: “How can we link the user wallet addresses and the user?”

To answer this question, developers should be aware of different linking methods and cryptography of different blockchains. We provide the several handy features under Auth Challenges Module, with all the complexity that is handled at our back end:

  • Simple to use API for authorize users with ability to link multiple addresses
  • Ability to store up to 10Mb of custom user data linked to user (developers can do a backendless systems)
  • Creation of non custodial wallet (coming soon)
  • Auth page on own domain (coming soon)

Check out our video to learn more -

And do not forget to register -

Wallets (key management system)

Asking developers to generate a key and upload it to our system is not a really secure way in web3.

Securely sign backend transactions without passing real private keys to us? Yes, that is what we provide developers in our KMS module - we provide a system that interacts with the developer's own external key management system.

  • AWS KMS implementation
  • Security for end users, security for developers
  • Internal KMS implementation (testnets only, for easy to start)


“Which blockchain should I use?”

Web3 is too complicated and this complication starts from this question. And the answer we provide here - use all of them at the same time, why not?

  • EVM blockchain support (ethereum, polygon, moonbean, aurora, etc) including testnets
  • Aptos blockchain support (mainnet ans testnet)
  • Near blockchain support
  • Integration of explorers, rpc, faucets

Smart Contracts

Оne of the most important and complicated parts of blockchain. Solidity, Rust, etc are still not a mass used languages. On top of that, developers face a need to have understanding of RPC calls, deep understanding of blockchain internals and understanding of different smart contract standards, IPFS and Arweave file reading.

With Attarius API developers can skip that part, as that is just internals - we abstract this away to make developer’s journey to blockchain as pleasurable as possible. Additional features we include in our Smart Contracts Module:

  • The contracts are non-custodial - you still own all contracts and able to interact on low level too
  • NFT (ERC-721, NEP-171, APTOS-COIN) support
  • FT (ERC-20, NEP-141, APTOS-TOKEN) support
  • Metadata resolving service (http, ipfs, Arweave)
  • Custom contract support (coming soon)
  • Ability to deploy smart contracts from templates (coming soon)
  • Read and write operations from UI and API (coming soon)

Our ecosystem delivers an ecosystem to serve as a missing link between web2 and web3 adoption. We design our product for a regular developer and keep in mind that service should hide all complexity and be simple to use.

Check out our video to learn more -

And do not forget to register -